Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 465 - Things will Change once Boss Pei Thinks about It

Chapter 465 Things will Change once Boss Pei Thinks about It

Pei Qian was speechless. He directly beckoned Chen Kangtuo. “Come, give everyone a brief introduction to the project.”

Pei Qian deliberately emphasized on the word ‘simple’ when speaking.

Chen Kangtuo understood it immediately. He had sorted out the information about Thriller Hostel previously and was prepared to report to Boss Pei, but Boss Pei did not listen to him. It was the same with this report.

Since Boss Pei wanted a simple report, it must be simple enough. Strictly fulfilling any requirements of Boss Pei was one of the well-known Tengda spirits after all.

Chen Kangtuo started his introduction to the Thriller Hostel.

He was done after five minutes.

Chen Kangtuo condensed the whole introduction to something simple enough; many data and details were not mentioned at all. Some internal details of the three major projects were even covered in one sentence. He only gave a framework. Chen Kangtuo looked towards Boss Pei after he was done. Pei Qian secretly gave him a thumbs-up, expressing his satisfaction.

The investors were at a loss.

That’s it? The introduction was done while they drank their tea?

They heard nothing at all!

Everyone looked at Li Shi again who seemed to be in deep thought. Li Shi nodded his head after a while. “Yes, it’s indeed a good project!”

Everyone, who was momentarily stunned, reacted instantly.

So that was it, Boss Pei’s test was everywhere!

They were nearly tricked again!

Thinking about it carefully, Chen Kangtuo might be brief. However, there were a few details in what he said.

For example, this place was personally chosen by Boss Pei, Boss Pei increased the funding twice, and there was some connection with the previous horror game by Tengda Games...



The information that Boss Pei decided on the project was reliable in itself; what more proof did they need?

Everyone immediately praised the project.

“Good project, reliable indeed!”

“A few words expressed the core advantages of this project. Boss Chen is indeed capable! He is indeed a good choice by Boss Pei!” Pei Qian, “...”

They seemed to have entered a vicious cycle.

“Alright, the introduction is over. Everyone can go now.”

Pei Qian was ready to see the guests off.

The investors were shocked immediately. Please don’t! We have not heard anything!

Li Shi quickly stood up. “Boss Pei! Don’t be hasty.

“Erm, we have understood the situation for the project, but we need to discuss some implementation details with Brother Chen. Boss Pei, we’re here. Won’t it be too appropriate for us to leave just like that?”

He spoke earnestly. Pei Qian thought for a while and felt that this humble request did not seem to be excessive.

“Alright, you continue your discussions then.”

Pei Qian gave Chen Kangtuo a nod. Chen Kangtuo understood immediately and nodded back.

Boss Pei had sent him a message previously to only introduce the current situation without saying a word more on the current situation.

Chen Kangtuo decided to strictly follow Boss Pei’s instructions. He would only tell the facts and not make any suggestions.

Boss Li looked at everyone and said with a low voice, “No one is allowed to leave until the plan is finalized!”

The investors nodded, staring at death in the face. It would become easy to wrestle with each other once there were multiple parties to a project. The most important thing in such a situation would be to not delay.

It was difficult to get them all together so they had to quickly finalize the things that needed to be finalized. Any delay would result in achieving nothing. Therefore, they had to obtain information from Boss Pei by hook or by crook! Even if they had to suffer!

They might say that they did not care about making a loss, but in actual fact, who would not care about making losses? They pretended to do that so that they could fool Boss Pei. These investors were smarter than the other; they would not throw money into a project they knew nothing about.

Even if it was Boss Pei’s project.

They might not care so much about the formality and the details, but they still had to do their due diligence.

Chen Kangtuo spread out the floor plan of the project on the table.

Everyone was silent for a while. Li Shi stood up and said. “How about I start the ball rolling? First, I plan to set up a restaurant to solve the food problem for tourists. As for the location... well... Brother Chen, do you think this place here is appropriate?”

He pointed at a spot on the map and looked towards Chen Kangtuo.

Chen Kangtuo gave a polite smile. “That has to be decided by your good self. I apologize I cannot give you any suggestions.”

Pei Qian gave another thumbs-up silently.

Very good, reliable guy! I did not dote on you for nothing! It would not be long before this group of people would be defeated if you carry on this way!

The investors were confused.

Was it alright to refuse to answer so confidently? You had to ask Boss Pei’s opinion before you refused to provide advice.

Chen Kangtuo refused to provide any advice without so much as looking at Boss Pei. Obviously, Boss Pei instructed Chen Kangtuo in advance not to provide any suggestions! Erm... was this part of the test? Wasn’t that a little too much?

The brains of smart investors were spinning fast. They have guessed part of the truth. The scene fell into a deadlock.

Another investor cleared his throat. “I’m planning to open a hotel here; what about this location?” He pointed at a certain point on the map and looked at Chen Kangtuo. Chen Kangtuo did not speak this time. He just smiled and pretended that all these had nothing to do with him.

Pei Qian praised him internally again. Alright, great man!

The situation fell into awkwardness again.

Li Shi could not stand it anymore, he continued. “It seems to be inappropriate. This location is a little too important. The hotel does not need to be so close.”

Another investor chimed in. “The northwest corner then.”

“No, no, no, the southeast corner is better.”

These investors started discussing amongst themselves.

Pei Qian listened silently, completely relieved.

Obviously, every one of them had their own intentions. They all wanted to maximize their own interests and occupy the best position, er, or would it be better to say-find the best place in this desolate place.

They could continue discussing for weeks, and there would be no results.

Boss Li looked towards Pei Qian again when there was no conclusion. “Boss Pei, what do you think?”

Pei Qian, “...”

It seemed to be inappropriate to say anything at this point in time. What if he ended the argument by saying ‘just choose this location’ and the location proved to be the best in the future?

It was something very probable from his experience. If he were to say ‘don’t choose this location’, they would definitely ask about another location. Wouldn’t this become endless?

It did not seem to be appropriate not to reply either. They would then keep asking and add some strange explanation based on his expression. They might be able to come up with a constructive plan this way.

Pei Qian’s own employees were very good at that, causing him to suffer losses in the dark.

He could neither answer nor not answer. He shall just slip away then!

Abandon them in their discussions. Everything would be alright as long as Chen Kangtuo kept his mouth shut in accordance with his requirement!

Pei Qian quickly took out his cell phone. “Aiya, I suddenly remember that I have another meeting. Sorry, everyone, I’ve to go first! No need to send me out, you continue on!

“Kangtuo, Hao Qiong, treat Boss Li and the other investors well and don’t forget what I said!”


Pei Qian emphasized to Chen Kangtuo and quickly left.

Li Shi opened his mouth wanting to get Boss Pei to stay, but he did not open his mouth in the end. “Uh...”

He saw the chauffeur with the accelerator, driving away at the speed of light, as though there was something of urgency.

Everyone looked at each other, a little depressed. They were done for! Boss Pei left without any advice, what the hell could they do?!

Li Shi and the rest were clear that everyone might be professional investors and had knowledge of many industries, but it was still necessary for professionals to determine the plan!

They could only ensure every penny was spent in the right way when they assured the rational planning with a full understanding of the ‘Thriller Hostel’ project, right?

It would definitely be screwed up if everything just invested without any idea!

Everyone was discouraged and stopped speaking.


Everyone was startled. Li Shi slapped the table.

“What’s this? Are you going to give up with such a small set back? Boss Pei left, but did he not leave us this professional? Isn’t it, Brother Chen?”

Everyone shuffled their glance towards Chen Kangtuo.

Chen Kangtuo could only return a polite smile to them.

An investor sighed. “It’s useless, Boss Li. Brother Chen is indeed professional, but Boss Pei obviously instructed him not to give us any advice! What’s the use of him being professional then?”

Everyone started to speak their minds since Boss Pei left.

Li Shi pondered for a moment thoughtfully. He then looked towards Chen Kangtuo. “Brother Chen, to be honest, we are here to help Boss Pei with the construction. We’re responsible for the supporting facilities around the Thriller Hostel.

“Therefore, our fates are entwined! Win together or lose together!

“What on earth does Boss Pei mean? Please just give us some hints?”

Chen Kangtuo smiled without saying a word. He had, in fact, noticed this point.

Boss Pei pumped 40 million yuan into the haunted house without any hesitation and allocated not a single cent to the surrounding facilities.

Why was that? Didn’t Boss Pei not know the importance of surrounding facilities?He definitely knew!

Chen Kangtuo finally understood Boss Pei’s profound meaning in doing this after seeing Boss Li and the rest of the investors.

Employ limited resources where they were needed most. Spend all the money on the Thriller Hostel project itself, providing tourists with the most perfect and top-notch experience!

The supporting facilities were, of course, left to the others.

Monopoly was not a good habit. He would have many enemies even if the projects were completed.

On the contrary, if these people were allowed to dip into the cookie jar, they would use all their connections and resources to fully support the development of the haunted house. Little things add up; many hands make light work for the project to be successful.

Therefore, Boss Pei must be supportive of them building the surrounding facilities.

However... why was he not allowed to give suggestions?

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